On Your Way To Meeting You: The Journey That Changes Everthing

On Your Way To Meeting You, The Journey That Changes Everything

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If you have ever paused even briefly to think about your life, about why you are here, about where you are going, about your capabilities, about where you are from, about why you have ended up at this place you are at presently. If you have ever felt so sure about where you were heading with your life, about what you wanted to do with your life, about how your life was going to turn out, but now you are not so sure. If you have had a measure of success but remain unfulfilled, empty, and sometimes feel at a lost. If you are working really hard to fit into an arena, a place, a space, a job, a career, a field, a life that you have diligently spent time designing but it is simply not working. You are not alone.

On Your Way To Meeting You is truly about a journey of self-discovery, one that I was compelled to embark upon ten years ago. It was at a time in my life when I was defined by success all around, but yet I struggled with depression, discontentment, isolation, loneliness, and fear. This journey brought me to a place where I had to come face to face with myself and for the very first time in my life, I had to admit I really did not know who I was. I was 30 years old.

I invite you to come along for the journey. It has the power to change you too.

Pre-order your copy of On Your Way To Meeting You: The Journey That Changes Everything at Building According To Pattern.

Georgia A. Bryce is the Founder of Building According To Pattern, LLC and the Bryce Legacy Group. As a certified Personal and Professional Development Coach, Thought Strategist and Transformational Speaker, her thrust is towards helping clients discover their own unique blue-print and personal authority and guiding them into building their lives by design. Her specialty is in the areas of self-discovery, purpose, vision, leadership, and legacy development. For group and individualized coaching, or to book Ms. Bryce as a keynote speaker or workshop facilitator, contact her at 786-471-8312.

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