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Blessed, Yet Silently Frustrated

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I am indeed a very blessed woman. I have so much to be grateful for and yet, I am frustrated. I suppose you are probably thinking to yourself right at this moment, how much this anomaly makes absolutely no sense. Blessed, yet silently frustrated! Hmmmmm? Though I would love to hold the view that these two concepts are mutually exclusive, who am I really kidding? How can you have so much going for you and still feel as though you were coming up short on something? If only you could get that one thing together. If only you could locate that one piece of the puzzle. If only things were happening for you in this one arena. Everything else seems to be on point, tight, down-packed. Your life is in order, you are flowing, things are happening for you, doors are busting wide open, opportunities are coming left, right, center. Well, maybe not everything. For you see, there is always something, often that one thing that never seems to cooperate.

There always seems to be that “thing” that puts a dent in everything else. That “thing” that is always and forever working to steal your peace, your joy. That one issue that never, ever seems to get resolved, no matter how hard you try, or how much you give, or how much you do. That one thing that you strive for that always seems reachable and yet, unattainable. Eluding you and seemingly even mocking you. Have you ever found yourself standing, sitting or even lying in this zone?

In the classic read, A Tale of Two Cities, it was Charles Dickens who made the infamous statement; “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way”. At any given moment, there always seems to be these two diametrically opposing circumstances operating simultaneously within the same space and time.

Isn’t it interesting to know that even King Solomon, dubbed the most powerful, richest and wisest king in all of Israel’s history, was overwhelmingly blessed and yet, he struggled with feelings of frustration as well? He had everything going for him. Access to a hoard of women, wives and concubines. A guy’s ideal, I suppose. He had wealth, luxury and prosperity. He could have whatever he wanted, buy whatever he wanted, and the power to do whatever he wanted. He had wisdom that was literally out of this world. There was no issue or problem that Solomon did not have the capacity to unravel or resolve. But still it was he who said that all is “vanity and vexation of spirit”.

The idea of two opposing dynamics working simultaneously is not a new phenomenon. That should at least put your mind to rest. What this simply means for you is that you are not crazy. It also means that you are not necessarily being ungrateful or unthankful, unless murmuring and complaining is just your natural disposition, and if this is the case, you definitely need an attitude adjustment. It means you can finally let go of the guilt you may have been hobbling around with for the longest time, and it means that you can give yourself permission to be real, to be honest and to become vulnerable.

I have oftentimes heard people respond to others who find themselves in this space, with a rebuke. People have been raked across the coal as it were and accused of being ungrateful, dissatisfied, unthankful, miserable, hard to please, and even labeled stupid. In-fact, sometimes I have been intimidated into not remaining authentic, because, as far as the onlookers can observe of my life, Georgia has it altogether. Georgia is in need of nothing. Yet, in my mind I’m thinking, if only this were true. If only they really knew the deepest desires of my heart. That with all of my success, there are a few things I would love to have happen in me and to me and for me. How much I wish some things were different. How about you? Has this ever been your story? Is this your story right now, even as you are reading this blog?

Let’s be frank here! What is one to do if he or she cannot keep it real and really express that dual state of being? That yes, I have been blessed tremendously, but there are still areas in my life in which I struggle from lack or from failure? I can tell you first hand that if you cannot openly express and share what you feel, a spirit of depression and oppression will begin to consume you. Our Manual for Living, the Word of God, tells us clearly in Psalms 51:6, that our Master Manufacturer is after one primary thing from us; “TRUTH in the inward parts”. Our Master Manufacturer, our Heavenly Father, demands that truth resonates in us and from us. Only when we can become real, open and naked before Him, can we begin the deliverance and healing process. Only when we can become honest before Him, does this dual condition gets resolved, or we are extended that extra measure of grace we need to handle the frustrations we often face, even in the midst of being blessed.

I myself do not have all the answers concerning why we as humans are never ever fully satisfied. Why things are never 100% okay or the way we want or would like them to be, at all times. The naturally selfish nature of human beings is certainly a contributing factor. We want what we want when we want it. What I do know is this. There is indeed an appointed and an appropriate time for everything pertaining to our lives. That our Master Designer and Manufacturer is wise, that He knows all things and that He is more than capable of getting us what we need or taking us to where we need to go, not when we’re ready, but when He is. We were never designed to operate independent of Him. Our posture should then always be one of complete dependence on Him, complete trust in Him, and most importantly, complete submission to Him, in all things. It is very difficult to submit to Him completely, void of having a personal and authentic relationship with Him, through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is where everything begins. A broken spirit and a broken heart devoid of pride is what He is after. He promises that when we come to Him in this condition, He will not reject us or turn us away.

If you currently find yourself in this place of being blessed, yet silently frustrated, allow me to make the following suggestions:

1. In the midst of lack, there is still a lot to give thanks for. Why not practice being thankful even more than you normally do? Find even the smallest and most insignificant moments, experiences, and things to express more worship and adoration. You will be surprised to know that praise, thanksgiving and worship are the perfect antidotes for frustration and feelings of hopelessness. They work every time and they never fail.

2. Spend time encouraging and looking out for others and this will help to take the emphasis off of your current situation. As you celebrate the success of others, particularly in the area or areas you find yourself lacking or failing, that celebration becomes contagious. As you celebrate, it begins to create space in your life to facilitate that change or those changes you desire.

3. Endeavor to remain authentic, always. Keep it real! Find a friend who is willing to lend a listening ear and is open to encouraging you to keep on keeping on, especially in those moments of frustration. Someone who can cheer you on without reservation as you run the race of your life.

4. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens. This moment of silent frustration will also pass as in other times. Hang in there! Explore the reasons behind your emotions and be brutally honest with yourself. Take that extra step to discover where your Master Designer is located in the grand scheme of things, what His current focus is on in your life. Ask Him to give you His perspective on the matter and the courage to flow with Him.

In addition to your Manual for Living, another recommended resource to aid you in your journey (True North: Choosing God in the Frustrations of Life) may be found at the following link:

Visit the Podcast Series tab or the Podbean Podcast page access the associate podcast segment, entitled “Blessed Yet Silently Frustrated”.

2 Responses

  1. I love how clearly you express that dichotomy of ‘having it all yet missing something at the same time’. I call these missing pieces, growing points, because sometimes growth, which brings change, is uncomfortable – especially when we resist it. I also believe these growing points are what make the journey intriguing and that at some point, when we have evolved past them, we’ll look back in appreciation for that experience/hardship/opportunity to grow.

    Thanks for your article, it has some really great points and provided some beautiful reminders of how to be grateful and accepting even when things aren’t going exactly as you would like.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to digest the information and for the insightful feedback. I ‘d like to consider it point no.5 because you are absolutely right Debbie! Growth never occurs in comfort! Frustration is often the indicator that there is more to be had or experienced. The fact that the dichotomy exists almost perpetually is a sure sign that growth is never complete. I sincerely appreciate the feedback. Do share with your friends.

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